APS microinverters are Solar Builder’s cover story for July/August edition

UnknownAPS has reimagined the possibilities of the solar microinverter, and the national media are taking notice. Solar Builder magazine features APS microinverters on the cover of their July/August edition with a lengthy feature story, “Rethinking Microinverters: APS America changes the game with microinverters that power multiple PV modules.”

The cover story touts our advanced APS microinverter technology and the real per-watt costs savings that come with our dual-module microinverter units.

“Our big leap forward was to be able to do a dual that is not twice as big as the single,” APS CEO Kelly Samson says in the story. “There’s a lot of dual use of parts inside that box. The box is 60 percent bigger than a single. That does a lot of magic things for you — makes the box smaller and lighter, makes it more efficient, less costly to manufacture, cheaper to ship and we have a significant price advantage over the competition.”

Read the whole story here.

APS is coming to PV America

Boston, June 23-2542
PV modules meet their perfect match in APS microinverters. Now APS is bringing its leading-edge solar technology to PV America, the industry’s leading conference on photovoltaic module technology. APS is sponsoring the conference, to be held June 23-25 at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. We’ll be hosting a booth on the conference floor with a line of APS products on display.We look forward to meeting you at the PV America conference. Come by our booth #359 or email sales@apsamerica.com today and tell us you’ll be there too.

2014 Trends: Solar Module-Level Power Electronics – Solar Power World

Product reliability distinguishes top microinverter brands, APS VP Michael Ludgate tells Solar Power World in a new article on MLPE trends. Read Micahel’s comments here.


Trends And Challenges Of Solar Inverters

Solar Power World asked APS VP Michael Ludgate to weigh in on the trends and challenges of solar inverter technology for the online magazine’s recent series. Read Michael’s insights here.  http://www.solarpowerworldonline.com/2014/05/trends-challenges-solar-inverters/

Letting the sun shine in: Habitat for Humanity neighborhood gets solar panels

Blue Frog Solar and Habitat for Humanity have teamed up to bring solar to 32 new homes in Port Orchard (using APS microinverters, of course!), and we get great coverage in the Kitsap Sun newspaper. Read the whole story here.


Microinverter tech shines bright, APS VP Ludgate tells Solar Power World

APS VP Michael Ludgate sees a bright future for microinverters in a new column at Solar Power World online.

“Microinverters have only scratched the surface of their potential, as focused research and development across the industry pushes this technology even farther forward,” Michael says.

Read the whole column at solarpowerworldonline.com.

THANK YOU to Solar Power World for inviting Michael and APS to share his insights on microinverter R&D and the module-level power electronics market’s exciting prospects!

Do We Need Solar Inverter Reliability Standards? Here’s What Manufacturers Think

APS VP Michael Ludgate is among the industry elite invited to weigh in on solar equipment reliability standards at Solar Power World online:

Do We Need Solar Inverter Reliability Standards? Here’s What Manufacturers Think

“It is common practice in telecommunication and military power equipment to meet certain predictions on product life and reliability, better known as mean time before failure (MTBF) estimates. Some form of MTBF could separate the good from the bad and force solar module manufactures to address failures with analysis and constant product improvement.”
—Michael Ludgate, VP of Business Development, APS America

Read the whole article here.

APS USA co-founder Samson a serial solar entrepreneur

APS America CEO Kelly Samson is featured in the latest issue of the Kitsap Peninsula Business Journal for his leadership in the solar industry. Thanks to the Journal and writer Rodika Tollefson for the great coverage of APS and our solar future!

Click here to read the article


APS VP Ludgate a notable hire, Greentech Media says

APS America’s new VP for Business Development Michael Ludgate is among solar industry’s notable hires, says Greentech Media:“Microinverter maker APS America has hired Michael Ludgate as VP of business development. Ludgate was previously Sr. Director of Sales and Marketing for Sharp’s Solar Energy Solutions Group and Kyocera Solar.”Jobs-on-the-move_11_310_224Read the article here: http://www.greentechmedia.com/articles/read/Green-Jobs-Executive-Moves-at-Enbala-Utilidata-Power-Analytics-Solar-Mo

Meet the APS Team at GTM SOLAR SUMMIT, April 14-16 In Phoenix

APS is bringing its advanced microinverter technology to the 2014 Greentech Media Solar Summit, April 14-16 in Phoenix.Paul Barlock, APS America Senior VP, and Michael Ludgate, VP for Business Development, will promote the APS line at the annual conference sponsored by the Greentech Media. This year’s event is being held at the Wigwam Resort in Phoenix, Ariz.solarsummit“This is a great industry event to explore new innovative opportunities,” Michael Ludgate says. “APS is already ahead of the curve in three-phase microinverter technology, and now the CIGS/Thin Film community is actively exploring our solutions.”Now in its seventh year, the Solar Summit is Greentech Media’s annual solar conference on global market trends, emerging technologies, consumer demand and project financing, organizers say, bringing top decision makers together from around the solar industry. APS is on an aggressive growth curve in 2014, bringing our advanced microinverter technology to new markets across the US. Our flagship product is the YC500, a two-PV, dual-MPPT microinverter with 500W maximum output, supported by advanced monitoring and analysis.Email the APS team directly at paul.barlock@apsamerica.com and michael.ludgate@apsamerica.com to meet with them during the Greentech Media Solar Summit. Find out more about APS microinverter products at www.usa.apsystems.com.

For information on the 2014 GTM Solar Summit event, see www.greentechmedia.com.