Summer DS3 Installer Training Webinars

APsystems conducts its DS3 system installation training in 2 parts, covering microinverter installation, ECU commissioning and EMA. Installers should attend both parts for complete system training. Training is free for professional installers. Attend Part 1 & 2 on these dates: June 14th and 15th July 19th and 20th August 16th and 17th September 27th and […]

The Lakes Park Project: A Versatile Design, an Artful Installation

Kajk Constructors, an Ontario company riding the lucrative wave of solar energy specialism, accepted the challenge of this difficult residential roof installation this year, and their inventive answer to what has become a nagging question during such installations earned them the 2021 APsystems residential award. Kajk is a thoroughgoing solar firm, and the spirit of […]

Final reminder: Download EMA Manager today for ECU set up!

This is reminder to all professional solar installers who use APsystems: the ECU App currently in the App Store and Google Play Store is scheduled for removal on March 25th. Installers need to download the EMA Manager which now includes all the functions of the ECU App, accessible right from the home screen! Not only that, but the EMA […]