Happy Holidays 2021

Wishing you a happy and healthy holiday season

– from your friends at APsystems

APsystems showcases the new DS3 Series at Electricity Transformation Canada 2021

APsystems was proud to introduce the new DS3 series at the booths of our distributors Polaron Solar and HES PV at Electricity Transformation Canada last month. It was a hugely successful exhibition, and we would like to thank youfor coming to the show.

The DS3 series is grid-interactive and fully compliant with CA Rule 21 requirements. With its unparalleled performance, efficiency of 97%, and increased reliability, the DS3 series is a game changer for residential and commercial solar.

The DS3, DS3-L, DS3-S were all exhibited at the show and created tremendous interest in this new product line, including its high-efficiency, high-density power conversion to maximize the peak performance of today’s high-capacity PV modules. Also, the DS3 series is fully  backward compatible with QS1 and YC600 microinverters and accessories, which enables simpler configuration and installation.

You can find more resources on our website and in our online library. Thanks again for stopping by and we look forward to seeing you at the next event.