WEBINAR: Using Microinverters in Commercial Projects

Next Thursday, April 30th, APsystems is hosting a webinar on using microinverters in a commercial environment. This webinar will cover the benefits and how-to for APsystems microinverter offering and why they are a great option for commercial solar projects.

Attendees to this webinar will learn:

  • Learn best practices for installing multi-module microinverters on commercial rooftops
  • Understand the significant benefits of microinverters in commercial applications
  • Hear what it takes to design a commercial system with microinverters, including 3-phase applications
  • Discuss real-life applications and examples
  • Understand the communication and remote monitoring advantages of using microinverters

Chris Barrett, senior director of technical support, will go into detail on the installation of APsystems microinverters in commercial applications as well as outline the benefits regarding safety, rapid shutdown compliance, system monitoring, higher energy harvest, reliability, system expansion and a variety of other reasons behind the popularity of its microinverters in the commercial MLPE marketplace.

Join us for next Thursday at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST and check out our webinar page  to see all the other helpful webinars was have available.

WEBINAR: 10 Critical Things Every Solar Installer Should be Doing Right Now

Join APsystems for this special event webinar just for solar installers. This webinar is intended to be a helpful checklist of the key things all solar installers should be doing during the COVID Crisis to both weather the current challenges and to prepare for what happens next. The webinar will include everything from training to tools, careers and credits as well as cover the government assistance programs for small businesses like those of many solar installers.

Join us next Tuesday at 10:00 AM PST / 1:00 PM EST for this helpful and timely webinar. You can learn more about this and other APsystems webinar events on our webinar page.

APsystems webinar series helps installers reduce costs

Looking to save cost on every solar installation? APsystems’ solar solution is 10-20% less expensive than conventional microinverters and can be installed by a single crew member!

Join APsystems for it’s helpful and timely new webinar series providing the basics on the APsystems platform, what sets it apart from competing systems, tip in tricks on how to streamline your installation, and best of all, how to save money using APsystems products.

The webinar series takes place in April, beginning with the first two webinars—a two-part series on APsystems microinverter installation, ECU set up and an EMA walkthrough. The first webinar, PART 1: QS1, YC600 and YC1000 microinverter installation with time and cost-saving tips, will take place on Tuesday, April 14th and Wednesday, April 15th at 1pm PST/4pm EST. The second webinar, PART 2: ECU set up and commissioning with EMA walkthrough. will take place on Thursday, April 16th at 10am PST/1pm EST.

Plus 3 lucky winners from each webinar will win a free ECU gateway from APsystems! Join us to learn how APsystems can save you time and money and look for our additional webinars to be announced for April. We look forward to seeing you online!


Attendees will also receive 1 NABCEP CE credit for each APsystems webinar they attend. Be sure to sign up for both events of this 2-part series!