APsystems continues to illuminate lives with Extend the Day

In a steadfast commitment to making a difference in the lives of schoolchildren in disadvantaged regions, APsystems proudly supports Extend the Day and its remarkable “Lights for Learning” program. Extend the Day, a non-profit charity organization, is dedicated to providing solar reading lights to students in underprivileged regions lacking access to electricity.

“APsystems is proud to partner with Extend the Day to bring light to these children’s lives,” said Dr. Zhi-min Ling, APsystems’ co-founder and chairman. “Our support empowers Extend the Day to expand their reach and build upon their already successful projects on multiple continents.”

In a recent update, Extend the Day is making significant strides in their mission. Thousands of solar-powered lights were shipped last month to Bangladesh, with thousands more set to illuminate South Africa this month, following a recent dispatch of lights to Kenya. An ongoing collaboration between APsystems and Extend the Day, the Lights for Learning program demonstrates how education can be a critical key to success for children in disadvantaged communities, offering them the opportunity to excel academically, complete their homework after dark, and stay in school.

For more information on Extend the Day and their impactful work, visit extendtheday.org. Together, we can extend the light of knowledge and hope to those who need it most.

Video: APstorage Installation Walkthrough

APsystems recently created a walkthrough video for the new APstorage ELS 5K Power Conversion System (PCS) and APbattery, two fundamental components of the APstorage ESS. The system offers automatic energy management and integrated monitoring, enabling you to transform your solar installations into highly efficient, energy-smart havens. The APstorage solution can also provide seamless power backup during outages, optimized solar energy utilization, and the elimination of peak electricity rates.

Check out our comprehensive instructional video, which shows you exactly how easy the system setup is! It featuring APsystems’ own Doug Hewitt, and RedSun Solar COO Teddy Hodges.

Learn more about this new product here and be sure to register for our upcoming APstorage training webinars.