NEED FAST SUPPORT? Active Canadian installer queue now available. Please call 844-279-8600, option 4.
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Take Our New Virtual Assistant (AVA) for a Spin!
NEED FAST SUPPORT? Active Canadian installer queue now available. Please call 844-279-8600, option 4.
APsystems offers many resources to support installers with their APsystems installations. See our recommended process below as well as our available resources, such as videos, product documentation and FAQ on our website. If you are a professional installer and have any questions or need immediate support, please contact our support team at 1-844-279-8600 or by filling out the form below.
APsystems has a policy regarding DIY/self-installation. This policy is for safety and liability reasons, and APsystems always recommends that homeowners contact a licensed solar installation professional to install APsystems equipment. See the DIY policy for more details. If you are not a licensed, professional installer, please click here for support.
Take Our New Virtual Assistant (AVA) for a Spin!
Before you install APsystems products, we highly recommend that you check out some available resources to learn tips and best practices to streamline your installation. Check out our Training section to access these helpful resources.
In order to set up your residential homeowner and commercial customers with a system-monitoring account, you will need to contact APsystems using our registration form available on our Registration page.
Upon registration, you will receive EMA account information to monitor and adjust the settings of your installations. (Note: the installer registration process can take up to 24 hours.) APsystems does not register homeowners or DIY installers for EMA accounts.
Once you have completed Training and Registration, move on to Step 3: Installation.
Use this solar calculator/ compatibility calculator to help determine the electrical compatibility of PV modules with APsystems microinverters.
If you are a professional installer contact our team using this form.