East Lawrence Passive House, Lawrence, KS

Designed and built by graduate students in the University of Kansas architecture program โ€œStudio 804,โ€ this ultra-efficient home is a model for sustainable construction.

Students turned to APsystems technology and YC500A microinverters to power the homeโ€™s 6kW system.

The home boasts a laundry list of energy-saving features. A triple-thick blanket of insulation achieves dramatic โ€œRโ€ values, while an advanced air barrier wrap further reduces heat loss. A low-energy HVAC system and energy-recovery ventilator supplies fresh air without energy waste, while the plumbing includes an insulated hot-water recirculation system for more efficiency still.

The home targets the rigorous standards of the LEED Platinum, Net Zero and Passive House certification programs โ€“ a trifecta for sustainable construction.

Solar has become a regular feature of Studio 804 work because it is one of the most effective means of achieving onsite energy production in the Midwest. Read a full profile of the project here.

Location: Lawrence, Kansas
Installation date: spring 2015
Designer/installer: Studio 804, graduate students in the University of Kansas Department of Architecture, Design and Planning
System output: 6kW
No. of modules: 20
Module type: Trina TSM-290
Microinverters: APsystems YC500A dual-module
No. of microinverters: 10